Application Instructions
Applications for GRWC are now open. Full consideration will be given for applications received by March 8.
The program is for students currently enrolled in a graduate program in Mathematics or a related field, new PhD recipients who graduated in the semester prior to the workshop, and current postdoctoral researchers.
Funding from sponsors helps cover travel costs and room and board for participants. Some funding for international students is expected to be available.
A complete application will consist of the following components.
A current CV of at most two pages.
A statement of interest of at most two pages written by the applicant. This should address (a) the applicant's research interests and experiences, and (b) the potential benefits to the applicant should they be selected to participate in the workshop. This is an important component in participant selection and should be carefully prepared, and when possible feedback from a mentor and others should be sought out.
A proposed research problem of at most two pages that may be selected to be presented during the workshop. The proposal should include relevant definitions, a brief overview of previous work (with citations), a statement of the problem(s) or conjecture(s), and a plan for how to begin working. More information about the problem proposal can be found in a description of GRWC, and previously accepted problem proposals can be found in the Problem Garden. (Previously proposed problems are unlikely to be considered again, but if the problem has multiple aspects, specifically state how the proposal differs from previous proposals.)
A letter of recommendation from a research mentor. Only one letter is required; a short letter sent by email is acceptable. Funding for participants will be provided through the workshop, so financial support does not need to be addressed, but all letters should include a clear assessment of:
the applicant's ability to engage in research, and
their ability to work in a collaborative fashion.
Include an answer to the following question in your email when you submit (please discuss with an advisor/mentor about available options before you submit your application): Are you able to secure your own funds to cover travel to and from the workshop?
Note: All participants will have room and board covered by the workshop. Your response to this question will not effect your overall ranking for participation; however, the more participants who are able to find funding for their travel, then the more participants the workshop will be able to support as well as give participants who might need extra travel funds the additional support needed to participate.
All application materials should be submitted by email to: